Law of Protection of Personal Data

Since the Ministry of EU Affairs started the National Programmes for the Adoption of the Acquis, data protection law has started to develop and along with the release of the Turkish Law on the Protection of Personal Data numbered 6698, Closer-Partners has served its clientele in attempt to comply with the law. This area being very new and young in Turkey, Aksan is one of the most preferred law firms giving consultancy for its clients to not to be faced against any penal sanction arising from the Law and its tobe-released-regulations.

Our Services of Data Protection Law include:

  • Providing legal support for the adjustment process
  • Determining the liabilities of the entities which are subject to the Law
  • Performing due diligence accordingly
  • Providing consultancy for data processing, transfer of personal data, deletion, destruction, and anonymization of personal data, and data processor’s obligations.
  • Finalizing the framework
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